Play Areas & Tennis Courts

Playing Fields

At Brown County State Park in Nashville, Indiana there is an enormous open area playing field near Hoosier's Nest Shelter House and the Park Office.

There are also large open areas in front of the Swimming Pool and at the large playground across from the Horsemen's Campground.

Playing Field


Brown County State Park has several nice playgrounds for children to explore. Find playgrounds near the Horsemen's Campground, by several of the reservable shelter houses, and in the campgrounds.


Tennis Courts

There are two tennis courts open to the public near the North Gate House. The courts are available on a first-come first-served basis, and open from 7 am to 11 pm. Bring your own tennis balls and rackets.

Tennis Courts

NOTE: RVs & vehicles towing trailers must use the West Gate Entrance (off S.R. 46, west of Nashville).
The North Gate Covered Bridge is restricted to 9 foot height and 3 ton weight limits.
Horsemen's Campground users should use the entrance off 135 South.

Interested in other State Parks to enjoy playing fields, playgrounds and tennis courts?
Check out this great info on Indiana State Parks from

Note: This is not the official Park website. However, it is the most complete and easy-to-use site, with everything you need to plan a trip to Brown County State Park.

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